Mission Title: Golgotha, the forbidden site of the demon gate Objective 1:Abraxus must not be banished Objective 2: Banish Yogo Objective 3: Defend Gangrel at all costs Mission Attributes: +2 to Charnel, +2 to Stratos, -2 to Persephone, -1 to James, -1 to Pyro New Units: Deadeye New Spells: Demonic rift You're sent to Golgotha to summon a demon from the demon gate. Charnel instructs you to channel the spirit of Astaroth through Gangrel, the supercharged scythe. You must defend Gangrel against aggressive attack until the channeling has completed (note the countdown in the upper left-hand corner of the screen). You're provided with a handful of units - which is a good thing, since two enemy wizards, Abraxus and Yogo, immediately attack the position.
You're somewhat safer once the countdown reaches zero, and you receive Gangrel for use as an offensive unit. Put him to immediate use if Yogo and Abraxus units remain. Charnel interrupts and instructs you to banish Yogo, but keep Abraxus alive - apparently, Charnel wishes to speak with Abraxus at mission's end. Convert all nearby souls to your own and summon additional units. The deadeye, the Charnel unit offered in this mission, is a long-range attack unit and effective in groups. Explore the area around your start position and build additional manaliths on discovered mana fountains. Spot the two enemy altars on the horizon; ignore Abraxus' altar and make your way toward Yogo's altar. Destroy the manalith in front and terminate any guards. Replace the manalith with your own and cast the desecrate spell on Yogo's altar. Locate Yogo on the map and proceed toward his position. He may have a small group with him; attack him or the group and convert any red souls (and scoop up your own blue souls) if the attack goes poorly. Since you're desecrating his altar, Yogo will be banished from the map if he falls in battle. Take out Yogo with your spells and units to complete the mission in victory. Watch the conversation between Charnel and Abraxus and learn that Charnel is in league with Stratos - apparently unbeknownst to the other gods.