The Terran Dominion - Units and Structures
Like many other units in the Terran arsenal, Firebats can inflict a great deal of damage in a short period of time, but do not survive long under fire. Although they are tougher than your typical Terran Marine, and their heat-resistant armor offers them more protection, they will quickly perish under concentrated enemy fire. To exacerbate the problem, their bulky armor prevents them from moving quickly. Because of their specialized nature, Firebats are most effective when deployed alongside Marines, preferably with further support from Siege Tanks and Goliaths. By keeping the enemy distracted long enough to get your Firebats in close, rest assured they will incinerate a foe in good time.
Firebats, like all other Terran infantry, can be placed inside stationary Bunkers, which offer them considerable protection. As in any other instance, they suit this purpose best in conjunction with Marines. With their superior reach, the Marines will fire on the enemy from within the safety of the Bunker. That enemy will be forced to retreat or (preferably for the Firebat) draw in close to attack, in which case the Firebat will provide devastating support.
Like Marines, Firebats can use Stim Packs (provided you research the technology at your Academy) to boost their combat performance. One shot of stimulant temporarily endows a Firebat with twice his normal speed and twice his normal rate of fire at a cost of 10 hit points. Because they don't tend to last long in combat in the first place, using stimulant is often a favorable sacrifice.
Last, Firebats require a small but significant quantity of invaluable Vespene Gas to train, so be sure you know how to use them before you call for their assistance. Their functionality is highly specialized, and unless you expect to encounter large swarms of enemy Zerg Zerglings or Protoss Zealots, you might consider to forego their training altogether.