The Terran Dominion - Units and Structures

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Physics Lab (Science Facility add-on)

This inexpensive add-on facilitates the construction of the mighty Behemoth-class Battlecruisers at your Starport. Only construct this add-on if you have huge reserves of resources (or intend to acquire them in the near future). As soon as it is prepared, you should begin researching the Colossus Reactor even as you start building your first Battlecruiser. This upgrade increases the Battlecruiser's energy reserves, letting it use its fearsome Yamato Gun more frequently. Only research the Yamato Gun after the Reactor is complete, as you must wait a long while for your new Battlecruiser's energy stores to charge up before you can use it.

Hit Points
Time to Build
50m 50g
Science Facility
Special Options  Research Yamato Gun 200m 200g Time 120
  Research Colossus Reactor 150m 150g Time 166

Covert Ops (Science Facility add-on)

The Covert Ops contains the technology and personnel required to train Ghost agents who will become available thereafter at your Barracks. Adding a Covert Ops to your Science Facility also enables the construction of a Nuclear Silo add-on for your Command Center, which is required for a Ghost to use the all-powerful Nuclear Strike. You will wish to research each and every upgrade from the Covert Ops before you send a Ghost to mount a Nuclear Strike, however. Lockdown, an essential ability against the Protoss and enemy Terrans, lets your Ghost freeze mechanical units in their tracks. Personal Cloaking lets the Ghost vanish out of sight, while the compact Moebius Reactor increases a Ghost's energy reserves by 50 points. Ocular Implants increase a Ghost's field of vision, letting him target a Nuclear Strike from longer distances.

Hit Points
Time to Build
50m 50g
Science Facility
Special Options   Research Lockdown 200m 200g Time 100
  Research Personal Cloaking 100m 100g Time 80
  Research Ocular Implants 100m 100g Time 166
  Research Moebius Reactor 150m 150g Time 166

Know that while the Covert Ops is inexpensive, as are individual Ghost agents, Ghosts are ineffective without the Lockdown ability at the very least. And you must invest many more resources before you can stage a successful Nuclear Strike. Begin researching Lockdown even as you train your first Ghost.

Race Overview: The Zerg Swarm