Missions Guide

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  Missions Guide
    Terran Campaign
    Zerg Campaign
    Protoss Campaign: Episode III
      1. First Strike
      2. Into the Flames
      3. Higher Ground
      4. The Hunt for Tassadar
      5. Choosing Sides
      6. Into the Darkness
      7. Homeland
      8. The Trial of Tassadar
      9. Shadow Hunters
      10. Eye of the Storm
Go to GameSpot's Guide to Broodwar

7. Homeland
A terrible civil war lies ahead. Your ambiguous goal is to "destroy the heart of the conclave," which refers specifically to eliminating the enemy Protoss Nexus at the southeast corner of the map. Do not attempt to eliminate the entire Protoss presence in the area - you will not succeed. Enemy Protoss surround your heavily fortified position at all three corners, and you simply haven't the resources to fight them. While you may find additional resources just northwest of your starting position beyond the defensive walls that help seal off your base, defending that open space from the enemy will prove far more trouble than it is worth. The mission begins with Tassadar, Zeratul, and their brethren under attack from enemy Zealots, Dragoons, and Scouts. Use Tassadar's Psionic Storm on the clustered Scouts, then make him retreat north back to base. Save Zeratul and his Dark Templar in this same fashion. Though the Dark Templar are cloaked, an enemy Observer in the area will reveal them. Expect to be ambushed back at base from the very beginning, but know that your base is relatively well fortified for the time being. Praetor Fenix, alive and well in a Dragoon, will help defend.

Send absolutely everything you can muster and go straight for the enemy Nexus
You begin with plenty of resources. Quickly queue up five more Probes, begin upgrading air and ground weapons, and research Leg Enhancements. You'll want three Gateways and three Stargates soon, so build them when you can. Construct a Robotics Facility, Robotics Support Bay, and Observatory. Set up Shield Batteries at your front gates and position Reavers there along with the rest of your garrison. Be ready for enemy Scouts to assault your base from any angle and send Fenix and his Dragoons to deal with them when you must. Build a few Observers and take a careful look around the map, taking heed not to stumble upon enemy Photon Cannons. Build a Templar Archives so you can research weapons upgrades up through level three, but do not train too many High Templars because you simply haven't much Vespene Gas to work with.

Enemy Zealots, Dragoons, Scouts, and Reavers will attack head on. Use pairs of your own Reavers to counter the enemy as they focus on your defensive Photon Cannons. Provide assistance with Tassadar's Psionic Storm. Reavers will destroy your Photon Cannons, so be ready to build new ones in their stead.

Next: 7. Homeland (continued)