Ruleset: Valor

Size: Large
Type: Giant
Form: biped
# App: 2d6
Lair: cave
Combat Dice: 0
Hit Points: 0
Attack Rank: 0
Passive Defense: 0
Active Defense:
Damage Reduction: 0
Role: brute

On the shorter and slighter end of the troll size spectrum, forest trolls have long, willowy limbs adapted to mimic the texture of tree trunks and branches. Indeed, this skin is so similar to genuine bark that often flora will start to grow between and through cracks and crevices. The trolls encourage and even cultivate these so as to enhance their camouflage. Forest trolls tend to consume large amounts of birds who make the unfortunate and fatal mistake of building a nest on them. Their scythe-like claws allow them to easily cut paths through the brush, and make short work of any creature they come across.

On the shorter and slighter end of the troll size spectrum, forest trolls have long, willowy limbs adapted to mimic the texture of tree trunks and branches. Indeed, this skin is so similar to genuine bark that often flora will start to grow between and through cracks and crevices. The trolls encourage and even cultivate these so as to enhance their camouflage. Forest trolls tend to consume large amounts of birds who make the unfortunate and fatal mistake of building a nest on them. Their scythe-like claws allow them to easily cut paths through the brush, and make short work of any creature they come across.

5e SRD

Intelligent, wicked, 8' tall humanoids with emaciated, rubbery bodies. Consume the flesh of other humanoids. Dwell underground, in barren wilderness, and in the ruined homes of former victims.

(no environments yet)

The Spooky Forest