Trogodons are a bizarre combination of reptile and giant. They are formed somewhat like a centaur, but rather than man and horse, they share parts of an oversized lizardfolk and a huge lizard. A trogodon's head is reptilian, like that of a great lizard or alligator, with sharp teeth and wide-spaced eyes. Their rough hide is patterned, usually a dappled green and black, and rows of bony plates extend from their heads all the way to the tip of their tails.
Stupid and Savage. In general, a trogodon does little more than lurk in the shallow waters, hunting for food and attacking anything that disturbs it. Powerful and brutish, a trogodon knows little of things like tactics. It has a degree of instinctive cunning, though, charging unsuspecting prey from ambush in dank pools, deep rivers, and murky swamps. Invariably, it strikes hard and fast.
Servants of the Asaatthi. Unredeemed asaatthi are known to use trogodons to guard the marshes around their few remaining cities. The snakefolk lend their martial and strategic expertise to develop simple tactics for trogodon raids. Asaatthi seldom take part in the attacks themselves, since trogodons do not take direction well in the thick of battle.
Tribal Raiders. In a few reported cases, intelligent trogodons, rare among their kind, have lead entire tribes, independent of asaatthi intervention. These "greater" trogodons make formidable foes, since they can add reasoning and cunning to their physical power and durability. They enjoy leading raids against non-trogodon tribes and settlements, sometimes even training and commanding normal alligators in attacks.