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Creature Feature


Certainly one of the most impressive creatures to ever grace your dungeon, Dragons have brains as well as brawn. They are some of the best fighters around, but can also research with the best of creatures, so keep this in mind if you can't dig up enough Warlocks to get your research done. Just remember that despite their power, these creatures are just as feeble at the first level as most other types. Also, while their incredible power at the upper levels make them a tempting creature to possess, keep in mind that they are fairly slow and by the time you explore an enemy Dungeon with one, your own Dungeon may be destroyed. Since fire is good for Dragons, place their Lairs near lava, and they will gain experience as they sleep.

Dragons are a keeper's best friend. They're excellent fighters, great researchers, and they have a fire attack for ranged assaults. They're also immune to lava, and actually gain experience while sleeping if their lair is placed adjacent to lava (a good thing to note when you're looking to place a lava trap).

Dragons are great for disarming enemy traps. Since they can heal themselves, you can drop a Dragon near the traps and then cast Possess Creature on him. Then simply walk over the traps, setting them off and then healing yourself until they're disarmed.

Level abilities: 1 = Fire Breath, 2 = Heal, 3 = Grenade, 7 = Meteor, 10 = Word of Power

Favorite Location: Library
Health: Level 1: 900 Level 5: 2160 Level 10: 3735
Salary at : Level 1: 350 Level 5: 840 Level 10: 1453
Research Points per second: Level 1: 80 Level 5: 192 Level 10: 332
Manufacturing points per second: Level 1: 20 Level 5: 48 Level 10: 83
Training Cost (per 1000 EP): 208
Training time to gain 1000 EP: 19 seconds
Cost in Scavenger Room: 35  per second
Natural Enemies: None
Anger Reaction: Steals gold Leaves dungeon
Chickens to Satiate: 4
Experience Gained When Hit Level 1: 17
Slaps to Kill: 40
What They Like: Research Training Sleeping next to lava
What They Hate: Nothing
Special Traits: lava immunity

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