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Creature Feature

ghost.jpg (5393 bytes)Ghost:

If you're not careful when torturing enemies, you'll wind up with hordes of the little undead whiners overloading your Temple. (If this happens, you may consider refining your torture chamber skills, so you can convert them rather then kill them.)

Your best bet is to train them as high a possible, and then use them as disposable troops when you clash with the enemy. They'll take the initial brunt of the attack while your more valuable ranged fighters the enemy from a distance.

Ghosts do have some helpful traits, however. Their spirit status gives them the ability to pass through locked doors and to see invisible creatures. While only occasionally useful, this is enough to make you consider keeping at least one posted in a strategic position.

Level abilities: 1 = Rebound, 3 = Invisibility, 6 = Wind, 8 = Drain

Favorite Location: Temple
Health: Level 1: 200 Level 5: 480 Level 10: 830
Salary at : Level 1: 20 Level 5: 48 Level 10: 83
Research Points per second: Level 1: 40 Level 5: 96 Level 10: 166
Manufacturing points per second: Level 1: 20 Level 5: 48 Level 10: 83
Training Cost (per 1000 EP): 313
Training time to gain 1000 EP: 56 seconds
Cost in Scavenger Room: 10  per second
Natural Enemies: None
Anger Reaction: Leaves dungeon
Chickens to Satiate: Does not Eat
Experience Gained When Hit Level 1: 14 Level 5: 21 Level 10: 28
Slaps to Kill: -
What They Like: Being in Temple Research
What They Hate: Nothing
Special Traits: Flight gas immunity Doesn't Eat
See invisible Goes thru Doors

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