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Creature Feature


Think of hellhounds as flies on steroids, the ultimate scouting creature. They are fast, strong, and will wander all over the place exploring and looking for enemies to pounce on. While this can be useful, it usually places them in a great deal of danger, so be ready to yank them out of trouble at a moment's notice. Try not to let them off their leash until they reach level 5.

Hellhounds have an interesting habit that speeds decomposition of any corpses it come across.

hellhounds will appear only after you've built or claimed a Scavenger Room. (Although a few levels have them in "claimable" hidden areas) Like flies, they are unstoppable explorers, only they're more aggressive about it.

Level abilities: 3 = Speed, 5 = Fire Breath

Favorite Location: Hunting
Health: Level 1: 600 Level 5: 1440 Level 10: 2490
Salary at : Level 1: 67 Level 5: 161 Level 10: 278
Research Points per second: Level 1: 20 Level 5: 48 Level 10: 83
Manufacturing points per second: Level 1: 20 Level 5: 48 Level 10: 83
Training time to gain 1000 EP: 28 seconds
Training Cost (per 1000 EP): 109
Cost in Scavenger Room: 16 per second
Natural Enemies: Demon Spawns
Anger Reaction: Leaves dungeon
Chickens to Satiate: 3
Experience Gained When Hit Level 1: 13 Level 5: 19 Level 10: 26
Slaps to Kill: 40
What They Like: Exploring Hunting Enemies
What They Hate: Demon Spawns
Special Traits: Lava immunity Urinating

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