Creature Feature Fly: They are great initial scouts, but flies are worthless in a fight after the beginning of a game. They seem to have the annoying habit of wandering into enemy territory and agitating the enemy creatures before you're ready to deal with them. Flies will even attempt to break down doors in their effort to explore. Pay attention to the distant sound of knocking and pluck your fly out of trouble if you aren't prepared to deal with the bad things that may occur. On all but the first few levels, if you get flies in your dungeon. Just toss them back into the portal. They're really more trouble then they're worth. Since you can only have a set number of creatures in any level, get rid of them to make room for more useful creatures. If you have some strange desire to keep a fly around, Train him up a few levels. Flies are relatively cheap to train, and a level 4 or 5 fly can deal with enemy imps. As an alternative, you can possess one while he's exploring. You can still have the exploration benefit, while keeping him out of harm's way. If there are unaligned creatures wandering about, posses a fly and go meet them. Every time one of your minions meets an unaligned creatures, there's a chance that creature will join your cause. To use a fly as a biological weapon, cast Disease on him, then send him exploring. Once he gets attacked, he'll quickly die, but not before he has a chance to infect the enemy's creatures. Level abilities: 5 = Sight, 8 = Speed