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Creature Feature

Vampire.jpg (6395 bytes)Vampire:

Almost as powerful as their arch-rivals the Warlocks, the Nosferatu also posses very powerful special abilities.  They never arrive via the entrance portal.  Rather, they rise from the dead creature placed in your Graveyard.   As such, you have a certain amount of control as to when they arrive.

Once you have your Graveyard set up and your initial Vampires trained to a higher level, keep at least one of them in your scavenging room and make sure you give them their own Lair near the Graveyard to keep them away from any Warlocks.   Always keep Imps around to drag away the corpses as soon as the smoke clears.   This way,  your undead army  will grow steadily. Also, try not to deploy Vampires before they've reached  level 5 if possible, because at that level that they become effectively immortal, rising from the grave sans one level if killed in combat.

Vampires make the best scavengers, and can increase the scavenger value of any monster in the room by one-half. In a pinch, Vampires can also be used for research, though you should only do this if all your Warlocks have deserted or died.

Level abilities:       2 = Flight, 3 = Slow, 4 = Teleport, 5 = Heal, 6 = Drain,
                            7 = Armor, 8 = Wind, 10 = Word of Power

Favorite Location: Scavenger Room
Health: Level 1: 800 Level 5: 1920 Level 10: 3320
Salary at : Level 1: 750 Level 5: 1800 Level 10: 3113
Research Points per second: Level 1: 60 Level 5: 144 Level 10: 249
Manufacturing points per second: Level 1: 20 Level 5: 48 Level 10: 83
Training time to gain 1000 EP: 14 seconds
Training Cost (per 1000 EP): 195
Cost in Scavenger Room: 25 per second
Natural Enemies: Warlocks
Anger Reaction: Slays Allies Destroys Rooms incites revolt
Leaves Dungeon
Chickens to Satiate: 2  
Experience Gained When Hit Level 1: 20 Level 5: 10 Level 10: 14
Slaps to Kill: 60
What They Like: scavenging research
What They Hate: Warlocks Workshop Being Held
Special Traits: Immortal at level 3 gas immunity See invisible

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