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Creature Feature

reaper.jpg (6805 bytes)Horned Reaper:

The ultimate Killing machine, once they have a few levels under their belts.

Certainly the biggest and nastiest creature to enter your dungeon, I generally find these beasties are just too unpredictable to be much use. Just about everything and everybody makes them mad. They are literally so nasty that for the sake of your other creatures, you should keep your Reapers locked away in the back of your Dungeon, grabbing them out only for combat and then dropping them back into their own private apartment. Also, try to remember that a Reaper in the hand is getting angrier by the second, so don't handle him too long..

An angry Reaper is just as likely to attack your creatures as the enemy's, so it's best to deploy him by himself if he's upset.

If you find yourself with a Reaper in your dungeon, here are a few tips for keeping him happy.

  • If he's below level 10, put him in the training room. Training does make him happy. It's kind of expensive, so you'll want to grab him first when your clash with the enemy.
  • Never slap him. Ever.
  • Try not to wake him if he's sleeping, unless you've got some training or fighting for him to do.
  • Don't pick him up too often.
  • Keep him away from other creatures.

There are only a few things that can brighten a Reaper's day:

  • Fighting
  • Training
  • Showering him with gold
  • Hanging around dead bodies
  • Worshipping in the Temple (Use as a last resort. If he stays in the temple, He will calm down slowly)

Level abilities: 5 = Speed, 10 = Slow

Favorite Location: Combat
Health: Level 1: 2000 Level 5: 4880 Level 10: 8300
Salary at : Level 1: 950 Level 5: 2280 Level 10: 3943
Research Points per second: Level 1: 20 Level 5: 48 Level 10: 83
Manufacturing points per second: n/a n/a n/a
Training time to gain 1000 EP: 28 seconds
Training Cost (per 1000 EP): 150
Cost in Scavenger Room: 30 per second
Natural Enemies: None
Anger Reaction: Goes psychotic
Chickens to Satiate: 4
Experience Gained When Hit Level 1: 35 Level 5: 52 Level 10: 70
Slaps to Kill: 80
What They Like: Combat Dead Bodies
What They Hate: Everyone Else Sleeping Eating
Being Held Mondays
Special Traits: Lava immunity Easily angered

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