1 November 2007 Release Version 2.36
Final Release for UT2004
New Features - Server
- Added Switch Game Type Mode: Priority Shuffle
- The Map List, Games List, Rules List and Mutators List tabs now
automatically select the current list in use when you first open the
MapMixer Config. So, for example, if you are using a Map List in your setup,
then it will be selected when you switch to the Map List Editor tab upon
opening the Configuration Menu. These Tabs also remind you about
unsaved changes before exiting the Menu.
New Features - Client
Bug Fixes and Tweaks
- Shifted the MapMixer Session Stats left of screen when MapMixer Map Info
is displayed, so less likely to overlap. Plus other minor HUD adjustments.
- A couple of minor bug fixes in the Config Interface.
- Fixed a possible crash bug when using "Test Play Map" in the Map List
17 February 2007 Release Version 2.35
New Features - Server
New Features - Client
- Audible Notifications for leader and
equal leader ranking are now available for use with Deathmatch style games, clients now optionally receive an audible
signal when they reach and lose equal placing with the match Leader(s) and
when they become the Leader.
- A Client's HUD now
optionally shows a list of the current top ranking players and their score
spread relative to the viewed player.
- The MapMixer Map Loading Screen now shows the map description instead of
the game type hints.
Bug Fixes and Tweaks
- Internally MapMixer supports Mutator Lists of any number of entries,
however, as a side effect of the way the UT2004 engine stores certain types
of data, the lists were becoming corrupted when they reached a certain size.
For this reason, the way Mutator Lists are saved had to be redesigned and a
side effect of this is that your old Mutator Lists will appear blank with
new version. You may wish to manually record your mutator lists
before installing this update, so that you can recreate them.
- When using a Games List for the Auto Create Map List option, if you used
a custom Map List as a map source of a game type then the designated map
list was not being loaded correctly.
- A couple of Map List Editor Context Menu fixes.
- Activating the MapMixer Session Statistics will now deactivate the UT
Scoreboard or Personal Stats displays if they are active at that time.
- MapMixer + BotMixer were treating the Invasion game type as a team game
(as reported by UT2004), as far as bot rosters are concerned. Technically,
Invasion is a team game but from a player's point of view it is a non-team
game. A special override for such cases was introduced. You do not need to
do anything as far as the Invasion game type is concerned but there may be
other community game types where this also applies, in such cases, do the
To force a team game to be detected as a non-team game for bot rosters,
simple open the MapMixer.ini file and located the section "[MapMixer.MapMixer_GameTypeManager]"
and insert a line such as:
NOTE: The above is only an example as MapMixer already has an internal entry
for the above, so don't add it!
Also note that the Invasion game type is a bit of a hack on the basic team
game type and while Bot Mixer and MapMixer bot rosters are able to be used,
there are still some compatibility issues that cannot be avoided. However
compatibility has improved in version 2.35 over 2.30.
18 November 2005 Release Version 2.30
New Features - Server
- Custom Game Types now have a Map
Source option. Choose either Standard Map Prefixes (now with an
optional Map List Filter), or a Custom Map List.
- You may now set Player Count restrictions for each game type, using
either Custom Game Types or Rules Lists. See
Player Counts documentations for a
full description (this also now gives a full description on how MapMixer
deals with Player Counts).
- Setup Tab - Player Counts:
The "Number of Players" setting "Specify Number" now permanently sets the
Player Counts for the entire session. Use this setting to statically set the
player counts so they cannot be overriden by any other setting.
- The ability to recognise Team Games
of more than 2 teams has been added. This is important for team
- You can now override the Default Link Setup for an Onslaught Map when
no Link Setup has been specified. See
Overriding Default Link Setups.
- The option to Shuffle a
Custom Map List has been replaced with a drop-down box called "Map
Order". It now includes two extra options: "Distribute" and "Distribute
- The Map List Repeat option
has been replaced by a drop-down list labelled "End of List". This enables
you to choose what action to take when the end of the map list is reached.
- Map List Editor: Added Map Name
Formatting feature to the Available Maps List.
See the button labelled "F".
- Map List Editor: Added an alternative
Mini Map Preview that can be
displayed underneath either map list. One way to activate it is to
Right-Click on a list's associated "?" button.
- Map List Editor: F8 on either list acts as a shortcut for "Cue as First
- MapMixer now tracks how many times a map has been completed. You
can view this in the Map List Editor in the Map Info/Preview Viewer. As
well, you can now toggle the 2nd column in the
Available Maps list to
show the Match Count for each map.
- The Matches Played value (above) also appears as a Map Filter option.
- Added Player Count option "Players vs Bots" - to be used in
multiplayer team games only.
- Added "Lock Session Stats" and "Clear" to the MapMixer Options Menu.
(Previously this option was only available by editing the MapMixer.ini
file). This option stops the MapMixer Session Statistics from being cleared,
regardless of whether you are starting a new session or continuing the
previous one. The "Clear" button manually resets and initialises the stats.
- New Console Command: "initmaplist". Reinitialises the map list according
to the options in the Setup page
of the Config.
- New Console Command: "help". Displays a list of MapMixer Console
Commands and their parameter options. Useful if you forget the name of a
MapMixer Console command.
New Features - Client
- Clients now have the option to automatically perform the "ShowNext"
command (ie show next map in list) at the end of a match for the remainder
of the current map. In this instance, a full preview of the map is
shown. This function is configured in the
Client Config Menu.
- Added Map Author to MapMixer Client Loading Screen. It appears just
below the map name in a smaller font size.
Bug Fixes and Tweaks
- A problem was uncovered with mapmixer regarding a limitation imposed on
it by the way the UT2004 engine stores certain data. This was causing the
game to crash. As a result the way "Game Rule Lists" are internally stored
has changed and you will have to re-edit all your Game Rule Lists as their
data will be lost in the transfer to MapMixer 2.30. This is unfortunate but
I had no choice.
- Client HUD: If no mutators were used and BotMixer was active, then the
Bot Team name(s) would appear one line below where they should have.
- When launching the session from MapMixer, after editing a mapmixer
custom game type, the custom game type's new settings were ignored for the
first map.
- Map List Filter: You can now specify only a Min Map Rating to filter
only maps with ratings of this value and above. Previously if you only
specified the Min Rating then it would swap with the Max Rating. This also
applies the other way round as well.
- Any mutator that does not specifically set a "FriendlyName" property was
appearing on the Client HUD as an empty line. In this case the Class Name is
- Note that Game Rule Lists created in previous versions of MapMixer will
need to be re-created, as they were redesigned in this version to fix
MapMixer compatibility with some game types (eg AM/TAM) and a UT2004 engine
- The MapMixer Client Package has been bumped to 2.30. If you are
installing over the top of a 2.10 installation then you can manually remove
the ServerPackages line for MapMixerClient-210 (if it's there). The
Client Package is now automatically added to the ServerPackages at run-time.
- It is recommended that you use the latest UT2004 patch (currently 3355).
24 Jan 2005 Release Version 2.20
New Features - Server
- Now contains support for an optional MapMixer add-on called
BotMixer to manage custom bot rosters.
- Added Session Statistics feature.
- Added Map Rating feature.
- Reworked the GUI for the Map List Filter in the Map List Editor, so it
is a little quicker to recall and use a Filter.
- The Map Filter Edit menu has been expanded to incorporate new features.
For example, you can use drag-n-drop to change the order of items in the
Filters List. In previous versions, filters were always displayed
alphabetically sorted.
- Mutator Lists now contain a place
holder called [Default Mutators] that allows you to apply a set of mutators
regardless of game type.
- You may now launch an offline spectator mode session by Shift-Clicking
on the "Play" button in the MapMixer Config.
- Added Map List Repeat option.
- Added Admin Options List. When launching the MapMixer Config via
the shortcut in the Main Menu, the External Game Launch options are replaced
with some Admin stuff. (The EGL options are not relevant in this context.)
Now, you can create and select a list of Admin Options for network games.
- Server Packages
for each current mutator can be automatically added to a map upon loading
(including an exclusion list).
- In the Map List Editor, Middle Mouse Button on the lists now toggles map
New Features - Client
- A client's player setup (PlayerName, Character, Team, Voice,
SmallWeapons, Handedness and FOV) can now be stored on the server and
reloaded on any client for
standalone or network games using the
loadplayer and saveplayer
console commands.
- At the end of a match, if the client manually brings up the ScoreBoard,
Game Stats or MapMixer Session Stats
then the automated countdown displays (setup in
Client Config) will be aborted.
- If using the BotMixer add-on, Bot Team names
will be shown in the Client HUD.
Bug Fixes and Tweaks
- Dedicated, Listen and Play buttons now appear as standard footer buttons
and are visible at all times in the Config.
- The Available Maps Context Menu Filter shortcuts were not
functioning properly in the Map List Editor when the list was sorted differently.
- When you launch the MapMixer Config from the Shortcut in the Main Menu,
the Map Source "UT Map List" is no longer available, as it isn't relevant in
this situation.
- ServerPackage lines for MapMixer (and BotMixer) are no longer required
in the UT2004.ini file. If the server is using BotMixer then the
BotMixer package is required client-side, so clients will receive this small
file as well as the MapMixer Client package.
- Removed the "Incompatible Game File" warning when enabling the MapMixer
MainMenu shortcut and MapMixer Loading Screen - no longer required after the
3339 patch.
- The MapMixer Client Package has been bumped to 2.20. If you are
installing over the top of a 2.10 installation then you can manually remove
the ServerPackages line for MapMixerClient-210 (if it's there). The
Client Package is now automatically added to the ServerPackages.
- It is recommended that you use the latest UT2004 patch (currently 3339)
as you will now no longer receive "Incompatible Game File" warnings in net
games when the MapMixer Menu Shortcut or the Loading Screen are enabled.
1 Oct 2004 Release Version 2.10
This version contains some things that I wanted to originally put in v2.00 but didn't have time
to because of the MSUC Phase 3 deadline. A lot of internal
behind-the-scenes stuff has changed to allow the incorporation of some new
New Features - Server
- You can now create your own Custom Game Types. In short, these are
special game types based upon the standard game types that are
user-customised by specifying default map prefixes, game rules and mutators.
The names of these custom game types are used and displayed in MapMixer anywhere a
standard game type could be used before.
- The game can now be launched from the MapMixer Configuration in either
Single Player, Listen Server or Dedicated Server modes, via three buttons
located at the bottom left of the screen in the MapMixer Config Setup page.
Note that the First Map and Reload First Map options now become obsolete
when starting the game from here. You may also
manually cue up the first map
in the session.
- A shortcut for the MapMixer Config is now optionally available from the
UT2004 Main Menu. This makes getting into the MapMixer config a lot
easier! See instructions to enable
- Added console command "menu", which allows
you to open up the MapMixer Config in-game, as long as you are either
playing an offline game or using the host machine in a Listen Server.
- Auto Created Map Lists
have been extended to allow more flexibility as to how each game type is chosen
from your Games List when generating the session map list.
- You may now specify what bots are chosen for a map. This applies
to both Custom Map Lists and Map Defaults.
- The Map Defaults section now has
at the top of the list of Game Types and entry called "[Default
Properties]". This acts as a default set of properties for a map when no
specific Game Type override has been set.
- Added keyboard shortcut <F1> to Map List Editor as a shortcut to the Map
View for the respective list.
- Added keyboard shortcut <F2>, which acts as a shortcut to EditMap in the
Custom List.
- Added "Test Play Map" function. Simply right-click on any map in
either list in the Map List Editor and select "Test Play Map". Note
that any new unsaved lists, ie Map List, Games List, Rules
List, Mutators List will need to be saved first or they will be lost.
New Features - Client
- Added a few extras to the Client HUD.
- Renamed console command show to
shownext and introduced command
showcurrent to show the current map on the HUD.
See the description of the Client HUD for more
- When joining a match that has not started, the Current Map Info displays
until match start (like the showcurrent console command). When joining a
match that has started, the current map info displays for the time set by
the client.
- The next map's screenshot (ie from map list) can now be displayed on the
HUD. Please read about the Client HUD
for more info.
- MapMixer now has it's own Loading Screen
- looks and acts just like the original one but shows the Game Type!
Please note that there is some information on this that you MUST read before using this feature.
- Level Change Countdown now changes colour from green to yellow to orange and
red from 15 to 5 and flashes from 10 to 0.
- Changed the style of the in-game Admin Menu Rules and MapMixerSettings
sections to
make things a bit easier. Can't do the same with the other similar
lists in the MapMixer Config Menu because the style is a little more
Bug Fixes and Tweaks
- AddMap console command now instead adds
maps either at the current navigation index or if none has been set then
after the current map.
- Bot Skill has been placed back on the game url for compatibility with
the some new gametypes.
- Fixed a bug where admins were not able to alter mapmixer settings using
the AdminMenu when using a dedicated server.
- When editing a map, the BotSkill would sometimes not retain it's new
- The MapMixer Client Package has been bumped to 2.10, so make sure you
adjust your ServerPackages line if you do a manual install.
- If you enable the MapMixer Loading Screen and Main Menu Shortcut then
you will receive "Incompatible game file" errors if you play on-line.
4 June 2004 Release Version 2.00
This is the first official release of MapMixer for UT2004. This mutator
is now exclusively developed for UT2004. Please refer to v1.21 for the
UT2003 version.
MapMixer 2.0 has been overhauled both inside and out for UT2004. It was
not a quick conversion and many things needed to be changed to be compatible
with the new game.
New Features for the UT2004 version
- Pretty much all of the ini file formats have been changed and are much
easier to read now.
- The tabs Game Rule Maps, Mutator Maps and Player Count Maps have been
consolidated into one Tab, called Map Defaults. This should hopefully make
a little more sense now and make it easier to edit global map overrides (ie
default settings for maps).
- The "Map Database" has been removed as Epic have natively implemented with their Cache
Manager the
functionality that the Map Database provided.
- The Map List Source "All Game Type Maps" has been replaced with
something called a Games List
(Anything more descriptive would take up more space in the GUI :D ) This is
a big new feature that, amongst other things, allows manual game type
- Game Rule Lists have been simplified and now automatically contain all
game types - to reflect the changes introduced with Game Type Lists.
- Game Rule Lists now show ALL game rules that are not from the "Server",
"Bots" or "Chat" groups.
- MapMixer now supports the link-setups in Onslaught. The Map List Editor
now displays a tree-type list for the Onslaught game type, similar to the
UT2004 Map List Editor, but in this instance it still contains the usual
Player Count and Author columns.
- The Map List Editor now supports Drag-n-Drop.
- Context Menus have been added for the MapList Editor and Mutator
- MapMixer now displays the next map and countdown on the HUD, so it is
clearly visible.
- MapMixer console commands can now be typed without the "Mutate" command
if you are in-game.
- New console commands "keys" and "showkeys".
- New console command "list" to display list names. Useful if you want to
change the maplist at the console using the "source" command but can't
remember the list name.
- New console command "show". This simply displays the map that has been
selected as the next map to switch to.
- New console command "findmap". Finds map(s) full names using
various ways.
- New console command "addmap". Add map(s) along with game type,
similar to "findmap".
- New console command "delmap". Delete map(s) from the map list,
similar to "addmap".
- New console command "savelist". Save the current maplist.
- Key Bindings are no longer displayed in the UT Key Bindings section.
They can be accessed in the MapMixer Config (Keys Button).
- MapMixer settings are always saved when exiting the config - previously
if you pressed Escape then no changes would be saved. I'm not 100% happy
about this but it makes things a bit easier and consistent.
- Lots of other little things and other stuff I forgot to write down.
- If you were using MapMixer v1.0 for UT2003 (the version entered in the Make Something Unreal Contest, Phase 2) then also refer to v1.21 for UT2003
for past additional changes.
- The main MapMixer file has been separated into two packages: MapMixer.u
and MapMixerGUI.u. The Client Package remains as one file