Thief: The Dark Project Game Guide

Table of Contents
        Lord Bafford's Manor
        Cragscleft Prison
        Down in the Bonehoard
        The Sword
        The Haunted Cathedral
        The Lost City
        Return to the Cathedral
        Strange Bedfellows
        Maw of Chaos
  • Table of Contents
    The mission starts out easily enough - buy a nice set of lock picks and steal from the local Hammerites - but it quickly changes as the merchant is killed by an assassin's arrow aimed for you. You now must follow the two assassins to see whom they are working for. However, quickly look through the store and grab everything you can before running after the assassins.

    The assassins will check behind them to see if anyone is following - if they detect you, it's all over. Hide in the shadows, peek around corners, and use moss arrows to deaden certain areas when you must. The assassins eventually will return to the mansion of Ramirez, a local crime lord you decide doesn't really need all that money he has.

    Run across this parapet and jump to that slanted roof next to the balcony.
    The entrance to Ramirez's mansion is heavily guarded - after the initial conversation, watch the patrolling guards move off, then pass through the main entryway. The outside areas are heavily patrolled by guards, so be on the lookout at all times. There are a few ways to actually get into the mansion, but the following is an effective one. Turn right at the main entryway; you'll step on some loose gravel that will distract the archer guard above. Run across the ground to the corner tower where you can pick the lock and go up. Run across the parapet to another tower, which has a door on the left that, once unlocked, looks across a slanted red tile roof. Jump across to the roof and move left to the second-floor balcony and go inside. The library and its smaller upper floor have plenty of loot, as does the rest of the second floor. Listen to the servants' conversation at the other side of the library door - Ramirez is down in the cellar.

    Tip: Guards that see you will probably attempt to trip several of the alarms scattered throughout the manor, so either don't get caught or kill them before they can set off an alarm. Alarms won't end the mission, but it'll make your job tougher as the guards will be expecting you.

    Exit the library into the main hallway. Turn right, then turn left at the corner where the stairwell is on the right. Keep going to the other end of the hall and go down that stairwell to the first floor. Guards frequently patrol this area and the second floor as well, so stay alert. The stairs continue downward toward the basement area. Follow the basement hallway until you get to a junction and turn right to the locked door, which you can either pick or use the captured basement key to unlock, if you have it. Once through the door, go left. The first room on the left is where Ramirez is. You can then lift his purse or kill him at will.

    Next: The Sword