Ruleset: Valor

Size: Huge
Type: Aberration
# App: 1d4
Combat Dice: 5
Hit Points: 50 + 1d12
Attack Rank: 12
Passive Defense: 5
Active Defense:
Damage Reduction: 2

Adult aboleths make up the majority of this species' population. They're often alone in a domain they control from a submerged lair.

They stay in contact with their peers through the dreams that lead them to the memory sanctum.

Aboleths are aquatic, tentacled aberrations that look like a mix of cliones, cuttlefish, sea anemones, and none of them all at once. Aboleths are nightmares of the deep, covered in a dangerous mucus and possessing the ability to invade dreams. They prowl dark waters and hatch terrible plans that threaten the future of the entire world.

Origins of the Aboleths

On the surface, aboleths are all but unknown, while they are as mysterious as they are feared in the Netherworld. It's difficult to gather and analyze information concerning them. The texts they leave behind are written in Deep Speech, a language that has nothing in common with other tongues on Eana, neither in its structure nor phonemes.

It's possible to gain information from the chuuls' sacred chants and the walls of their temples.

Their perspective is biased, just like subterranean or surface-dwelling cults looking for salvation in the worship of Blackwater. These groups are aware of some facts and details, but rarely see the whole picture.

There are also ruins marked by their presence. These are cultural sites for chuuls and humanoids, sometimes including an adult aboleth's palace from where it dispenses revelations.

The Travelers brought many creatures to Eana through their portals, the ateaks. These beings, some of which are intelligent, learned to adapt to their new environment but frequently represent threats to natural balance as the druids see it. Bringing aboleths to Eana was certainly the Travelers' worst mistake, and they paid for it with the annihilation of their civilization at the hands of a meteorite summoned by the aboleths that fell in the region currently known as the Eolian Isles.

Masters of Plots

5e SRD

lake, tropical, dysphotic
very rare

lake, tropical, aphotic
very rare

lake, temperate, dysphotic
very rare

lake, temperate, aphotic
very rare

lake, subarctic, dysphotic
very rare

lake, subarctic, aphotic
very rare

sea, tropical, dysphotic
very rare

sea, tropical, aphotic
very rare

sea, temperate, dysphotic
very rare

sea, temperate, aphotic
very rare

sea, subarctic, dysphotic
very rare

sea, subarctic, aphotic
very rare

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