The twisted hybrid of a giant bird and lizard flies forward on wings too small to support its bulk. A mass of writhing tentacles bursts from its open beak.
This horrific predator lairs and hunts in hilly and mountainous country, mainly preying on large, wild herd animals. If humanoids settle near its territory, however, a snallygaster is quick to take advantage of the easier prey of livestock, horses, and even people.
Aerial Predator. The snallygaster attacks from the air, swooping down to kill prey or entangle them in its tentacles before carrying them off to its lair for consumption. Its initial attack is prefaced by a horrific shriek that can be heard up to a mile away. Snallygasters are not speedy flyers, but they have excellent maneuverability in the air. They usually claim hunting territories within one to four miles of their lairs.
Polymorphic. Snallygasters vary widely in appearance, often looking vastly different from their parents. Some have horns or spikes of varying length and number, while others have a single eye centered on their heads. The colors and the ratio of feathers to scales on each snallygaster's body ranges widely as well.