Providing long-range fire support is the field ops primary task. Like the engineer, each field ops can have one deployable at a time. But unlike the engineer's turrets, the field ops' deployables do not fire automatically. The field ops uses a targeting tool to designate a specific area (or vehicle) for the fire support to target. The field ops' deployables must recharge between firings.

Utilize the field ops' fire support to clear out Strogg defenses, both deployable and ground forces. Use the targeting tool to scope out Strogg territory. Use the long-range weapons to eliminate a Strogg radar, defensive turrets, or fire support. The rocket artillery is effective against Strogg vehicle targets. For instance, lock on to the Strogg Tormentor aerial vehicle and the rockets will track, and hopefully eliminate, the target. Field ops long-range fire support can be countered by the Strogg Artillery Interceptor Turret. Have teammates clear out any artillery interceptor turrets before using fire support on that area.

Tip: Providing long-range fire support is extremely important but as a field ops, you must be careful you aren't doing more harm than good. Watch the friendly fire! Use radar to help you determine the makeup of forces around your designated target and be observant through your targeting tool. Annihilating a couple Strogg at the expense of five of your teammates will not only make winning difficult, but it won't win you many friends.

The field ops final piece of equipment is the airstrike marker. Toss this smoke signal to call in a powerful airstrike—GDF bombers drop their payload over the designated position. Utilize the airstrike in both offensive, to weaken or destroy Strogg deployables and defending vehicles, or defense, to hamper an aggressive Strong assault. Avoid placing the airstrike marker in plain sight—Strogg forces can conceal the marker with a prone body or a vehicle.

The chart below reveals the campaign reward for the GDF Field Ops. Reaching the first experience reward unlocks an additional firearm, the scoped assault rifle. Further experience rewards enhance the field ops abilities by increasing the size of ammo packs, providing faster target lock-on for fire support, and increasing the fire support recharge rate.

Level 1Unlock Scoped Assault RifleThe scoped assault rifle becomes a weapon option.
Level 2Larger Ammo PacksIncreases the amount of ammunition in dropped ammo packs.
Level 3Faster Target Lock-OnFire support targets acquire at a faster rate.
Level 4Faster Fire-Support RechageFire support recharges at a faster rate allowing you to fire more frequently.

Covert Ops

Players who enjoy long-range sniping will gravitate to the GDF Covert Ops class—however, covert ops is much more than just sniping and arguably has one of the most important duties of any GDF class. The covert ops class is responsible for deploying radar. Without radar you would have no knowledge of Strogg positions. You wouldn't be able to detect how many Strogg are defending a particular area or even see that Strogg sneaking up behind you. If you choose to be covert ops, your first job is getting radar up—don't run to your favorite sniping position and not provide this invaluable source to your teammates. This can't be overemphasized.

Tip: The covert ops responsibility to build radar can't be stressed enough. If you're a GDF soldier and notice there are covert ops on your team and radar has not been built, don't hesitate to request radar repeatedly. It may come across as a bit annoying (especially if you're typing in all caps) but itÂ's also annoying for covert ops players not to build radar!

The covert ops player can use a scoped assault rifle or the sniper rifle. Select the sniper rifle if you plan to support your teammates from long-range by trying to pick off Strogg defenders (after you deploy radar of course!). Choose the scoped assault rifle if you plan to engage at closer range; you can still utilize the scoped assault rifle for medium-to-long range support but it's also better suited for tighter engagements. If the map calls for a hacking objective (and especially if it's the current task), the scoped assault rifle will be stronger since you should be attempting to complete the objective and may be required to eliminate Strogg from close range. The covert ops also carries EMP grenades, which can be used to temporarily disable Strogg vehicles or deployables.

Speaking of hacking, it's the covert ops specialty. The covert ops' hacking tool will be used in both map objectives (such as the shield generator in Valley, Canyon, and Outskirts and the sewer controls in Sewer) and against deployables. Hack a Strogg deployable to disable the device for a minute. Covert ops can also temporarily disable deployables and vehicles with an EMP grenade.

The hacking tool can also be used to disguise as the enemy. Use the hacking tool on a Strogg corpse and you can roam relatively undetected among the Strogg forces—perfect for disabling some deployables or attempting to maneuver close to the map's hacking objective. You can't fire weapons or you will lose the disguise; however, you can use the covert ops' knife to backstab (causing high damage) while maintaining the disguise.

Tip: The covert ops is also equipped with the smoke grenade. Use the smoke grenade to provide cover for your attacking or defending forces. Take note that friendly and enemy turrets can still target through the smoke. You can use this to your advantage by concealing a friendly turret by smoke. Also use the smoke grenade to conceal your teammates performing objectives, such as engineers creating the bridge or soldiers planting an explosive charge.

The third eye camera is another piece of equipment unique to the covert ops class. The third eye camera is a remote camera, short-range radar, and bomb all rolled into one. Use the camera to keep an eye on Strogg positions and advances. Perhaps you're hacking an objective and need to know if any Strogg have entered the area.

You could also use it to keep an eye on an area you're protecting. For instance, place a third eye camera near the HE Charge on a destruction objective. If a Strong Constructor arrives to disarm the charge, detonate the camera. Drop a third-eye camera when you need some radar; perhaps you're inside a hostile building and need to see if there are Strogg present. Finally, you can also attach the camera to a vehicle and create a very discreet bomb.

The chart below reveals the campaign reward for the GDF Covert Ops. The first experience reward offers a new weapon, the silenced machine pistol. Additional experience rewards include enhancing radar range, faster hacking rate, and the ability to jam enemy radar—you will not appear on Strogg radar.

Level 1Unlock Silenced Machine PistolAllows the covert ops to select a silenced machine pistol instead of a pistol or silenced pistol. This is a stronger combination with the sniper rifle.
Level 2Enhanced RadarIncreases range of the GDF radar.
Level 3Faster HackingThe covert ops can conduct hacking tasks faster.
Level 4Gain Personal JammerMasks the covert ops player from enemy radar.