This section provides strategies for using each of the five Strogg classes. While each Strogg class has a similar GDF counterpart, there are some small and even some large differences between the two sides. We'll cover strengths, weaknesses, duties, and experience rewards for each class.
One of the global differences between GDF and Strogg is the Strogg's ability to transfer ammo to health and health to ammo. The Strogg use one substance for both health and ammo: Stroyent. The Strogg Technician can drop Stroyent cells to replenish teammates. During the game, any Strogg class can use the plus and minus keys to transfer Stroyent from ammo to health or vice versa. A wounded Strogg could transfer ammo to health while waiting for a technician to supply more cells. Or a camping Strogg Infiltrator could gain additional sniper ammo from health—sufficiently hidden, that Strogg would not need to worry about sustaining damage.
The aggressor is the Strogg's primary combat class; like the GDF Soldier, the Strogg begin with greater health and a wider variety of weaponry. The Strogg Aggressor is the only Strogg class that can equip the obliterator and hyperblaster. The obliterator is the Strogg's answer to the rocket launcher while the hyperblaster is basically equivalent to the GDF heavy machine gun (a bit more powerful but its rotors start slower, keep this in mind during a firefight).
The Strogg Aggressor is responsible for certain destruction tasks. For example, it's the Strogg Aggressor's responsibility to destroy the jamming generator on Salvage, Quarry, Area 22, and Ark and the slipgate on Area 22. Equip and place the plasma charge on the objective then use the arming tool to set the explosive. GDF Engineers are the only class that can disarm the plasma charge. Protect the charge against counter. Take cover close to the area and assist Strogg teammates in defense.
Strogg Technicians should provide support for the team's aggressors by reviving slain teammates and by dropping Stroyent cells. The Strogg have no corresponding ammo pack drops or supply crates—the cells serve both purposes. Use the plus and minus keys to shift Stroyent from ammo to health or from health to ammo. Take advantage of this unique Strogg feature to keep the aggressor both healthy and supplied. Make adjustments after firefights; if you've sustained damage, convert Stroyent from ammo to health and request a technician to provide more cells.
The chart below reveals the experience rewards for the Strogg Aggressor. These rewards are similar to the soldier's offerings and provide benefits to both the Aggressor's unique weapon options and arming the Strogg plasma charge, which is used in a variety of map objective tasks.
Level 1 | Faster Obliterator Lock-On | The obliterator's alternate fire lock-on mode is faster. |
Level 2 | Gain Heavy Weapon Ammo | Increase the aggressor's loadout of heavy weapon ammunition. |
Level 3 | Plasma Charge Faster Arm | The aggressor can arm the plasma charge faster. |
Level 4 | Faster Heavy Weapons Movement | Increases the aggressor's movement rate while holding a heavy weapon. |
The Strogg Technician provides support to other Strogg infantry; essentially equivalent to the GDF Medic, the technician can revive unconscious Strogg teammates and drop Stroyent cells to replenish Strogg health and ammo. And perhaps one of the most important abilities for the Strogg, the technician has the ability to create spawn hosts from GDF corpses. The spawn host allows Strogg teammates to activate the host and spawn at that location upon death.
The technician's support is vital. With only the lacerator and nailgun as weapon options, combat isn't what the technician was built for. Instead, you should be providing Stroyent cells to Strogg teammates engaged in battle. Be alert for fallen Strogg teammates and use the Stroyent tool to revive. Assess the battle situation before running into the line of fire to revive a teammate. It's a waste of time and effort if you're immediately gunned down attempting to reach the fallen Strogg. Note that the technician's revive ability is slower than the GDF Medic's similar trait; to offset the difference, the technician has a unique ability, the ability to create spawn hosts.
The Strogg Technician has the unique ability to create spanw hosts on slain GDF corpses.
Creating spawn hosts is not only one of the technician's most important tasks it's one of the most vital abilities of the Strogg. To create a spawn host, locate a GDF corpse and use the Stroyent tool. The spawn host created replaces the corpse (your team will also be notified of its creation). A Strogg teammate can activate the spawn host and, upon death, return to that location. This is an excellent means of reaching both offensive and defensive positions quickly because standard Strogg reinforcement time is longer than GDF. GDF Medics counter Strogg spawn hosts with their defribillators; upon locating a spawn host, the medic uses the defribbilator to destroy it.
Like the medic's medpacks or the field ops' ammo packs, the technician carries unlimited Stroyent cells but can only drop four before having to recharge energy. While you should avoid dropping cells unnecessarily, don't be too conservative either. While supporting other Strogg, drop cells close and communicate their location if necessary.
The chart below reveals the rewards for the Strogg Technician. The initial reward increases the size of the Stroyent cells, which can be converted into health or ammunition by Strogg teammates. The spike boost allows the technician to use the Stroyent tool to self heal. The technician's final two rewards offer benefits to the revive ability: faster revive rate and revive Strogg to full health.
Level 1 | Large Stroyent Cell | Increases the amount of Stroyent provided by the cell. |
Level 2 | Spike Boost | Use the alternate fire button with the Stroyent tool to increase health by a small amount. |
Level 3 | Fast Revive | Increases the speed at which the technician revives a fallen Strogg. |
Level 4 | Full Health Revive | Revives a Strogg to full health. |