PainKeep Arena Weapons
There are many weapons dotted around the realms of PainKeep, from the humble machine gun to the terrifying gravity well, there is a myriad of ways to deal out pain...
This page describes those weapons unique to PainKeep Arena, you will find that we have also tweaked the operation of those weapons which are familiar to vanilla quake3 players. For simplicity they are organized into three sections, click the links and the details will appear below.
Guns 'n' Things
The Airfist
Blast players or objects across the room. Also a great way to launch yourself up and over obstacles or use the Airfist to jump to great heights. Defend yourself from rockets or grenades by air fisting them back to the attacker. The Airfist has a replenishing ammo meter, when the ammo is at zero no damage will be given to opponents.
(NOTE: objects moved by AirFist blasts will eventually respawn in their original respawn positions)
Exploding Shells (Double Barrel Shotgun)
Shotgun Shells that are chock full of tiny explosive pellets. Watch the crowd scatter as a bunch of tiny explosions spray the room! This animal is highly lethal at close range. It also is very effective against opponents who are using an Airfist ....
Note: If you have picked up exploding shells, you must deplete your entire supply before you can shoot normal shotgun shells again. The maximum number that can be carried at any one time is 10.
The Magnum
This weapon is not your father's Railgun - it is a precision armament that will put a hole into any slow-moving and dim-witted opponent. As with the exploding shells, the Airfist is no protection against this weapon, however the Auto Sentry might also be your shield.
The Nailgun
This version of an authentic carpenter's Nailgun shoots much higher velocity nails. These nails are hot too! Don't touch them because not only do they penetrate your enemies, but sizzle your flesh as well. Skilled marksmen can do some really impressive stuff with this gun. The Nailgun is a great tool to use in order to make a hasty escape - spray the floor to lay a lethal bed of nails to catch the unwary.
The Chain Lightning gun
This weapon is a devastating version of the standard Lightning Gun. When the gun is fired and a target is hit (Easier Said Than Done!), the bolt will arc to the nearest living target within visual range. It will continue to jump to all living targets until the player is out of cells or the fire button is released. Targets killed by this bolt will become extra crispy critters! The Chain Lightning gun utilizes a 'lock-on' technology against the initial target making escape a very difficult task. Let your opponent 'Ride the Shaft'. It is extremely satisfying to watch several players fry at once ... oh yes, as with the Magnum, the sentry does afford some protection against the Chain Lightning gun.
The Dragon
Team Evolves version of the Grappling Hook. Features a 'blood red' Dragon tongue, and a unique 'come-here' feature. Ever wished you could reach that Quad Damage across a chasm? Just stick it with the Dragon and reel 'em in! Or hang around the ceiling and shoot your enemies as they run underneath you. Once the Dragon's tongue is attached to a wall, you can select and use another weapon while being pulled to the 'dragon point'.
Unique to PainKeep Arena, the Dragon can be used to deploy armaments across the map. The Gravity well, Autosentry, Beartrap and Can of Pork-N-Beans can be attached to the Dragon's Tongue and then fired across the room.
Special Weapons
The Autosentry
Hate it when someone won't stop following you? Just drop one of these cannons and let them provide a little automated cover fire. The Autosentry is a strategic weapon that is used to guard items or corridors. When carried by the player, the AutoSentry will provide an effective shield against the Chain Lightning Gun and the Magnum.
Step on it and *SNAP!* The opponent is clamped by the dreaded Beartrap. Place them in well traveled areas or around key weapons and power-ups for maximum affect. Dropping them upon the heads of other players as they pass by is also very satisfying. Beartraps that have been deployed can be blown apart with a rocket or two. There is one other trick that the avid trapper can utilize ... but we will leave that up to you to discover!
Ever wished you could carry a health pack around with you? When consumed the Can of Pork and Beans adds 100 health, but can cause embarrassing side effects and give away your location. When combined with the Quad damage things get especially potent ...
Gravity Well
A Gravity Bomb that spews sparks of lightning and sucks all objects and players within range inward toward a singularity. When opponents actually reach the Well, watch the groovy gib fire-works! Once dropped, make sure you run! (Run Forrest RUN!)
Personal Sentry
Once deployed this small device hovers just above your shoulder, shooting small bolts of energy at anything that moves. It has enough ammo for thirty seconds or so and then disappears. Good for getting out of trouble when you are surrounded by the enemy.
This item is truly nasty. Once activated any item that you run across will become radioactive for a short period of time.
The radioactive items glow with a sickly green radiance until the pollution has subsided. Any player attempting to pick up an item that has been affected will most likely die ...
Note: The battle suit gives some protection against the radiation.
Personal Bot
This weapon takes some effort to collect being as it is split into three parts; Legs, torso and head. Once all the pieces have been collected you will be able to activate the Private Bot. This Bot will spawn and fight for you as if in a team game, you can issue orders or simply let the bot roam the map, killing all in sight. All frags achieved by the bot will be added to your score ... very handy!