Console commands & Scripts

As in Quake III you can create custom scripts for PainKeep Arena. Custom scripts enable you to 'bind' complex actions to one key press. All of your control settings are stored in the quake3/pkarena3 folder within the q3config.cfg file. This is a plain text file and so can be easily edited with a text editor such as Windows notepad. However it usually better to have a separate .cfg file for your custom scripts. Your separate .cfg file can be activated by typing exec your_file_name.cfg in the console.

Writing scripts is not impossibly difficult, if you wish to know more visit Feel the Pain for an excellent tutorial on the subject. For further scripting help visit the Script Forum at

To give you a taster here is a sample Airfist / rocket jump script;

set airjump "vstr fist; wait 8; vstr quickdown; vstr att; wait 8; vstr finish"
set rjump "vstr rock; vstr quickdown; vstr att; wait 2; vstr finish"
set fist "airfist; wait 8"
set rock "rockets; wait 8"
set quickdown "cl_pitchspeed 9999; wait 8; +lookdown; wait 8"
set att "wait 2; +moveup; wait 8; +attack; -moveup; wait 4; -attack; wait 8"
set finish "-lookdown; wait 20; vstr cview; wait 2; weaplast"
set cview "centerview; wait 16; centerview; wait 16; centerview"

bind YOURCHOICEOFKEY "vstr airjump"
bind YOURCHOICEOFKEY "vstr rjump"

To use; start a text editor (such as notepad) and cut'n'paste the above text into the editor. Change YOURCHOICEOFKEY in the last two lines to whatever you wish and save the file inside of the pkarena3 directory. Call it something that is easy to remember, myconfig.cfg will do for now.
Now start PainKeep Arena and at the console type: \exec myconfig.cfg. Load up a map, collect the Airfist and you should find yourself hopping like a bunny at each press of your chosen key!

If the above has got your interest try this one. It fires the Airfist and then returns you to the last used weapon.

set airblast "vstr blast; wait 8; vstr att; wait 8; vstr finish"
set blast "airfist; wait 8"
set att "wait 2; +attack; wait 4; -attack; wait 8"
set finish "weaplast"
bind YOURCHOICEOFKEY "vstr airblast"


For those familiar with script writing the following commands are new in PainKeep Arena. Each of these commands will select the specified weapon:

  • /gravitywell
  • /autosentry
  • /beartrap
  • /beans
  • /gauntlet
  • /machinegun
  • /boomstick
  • /airfist
  • /nailgun
  • /grenades
  • /rockets
  • /lightning
  • /magnum
  • /dragon

Special commands are as follows:

  • /dragondeploy (deploys the active PainKeep Holdable Weapon on the Dragon)
  • /weaplast (select the last weapon that was held)
  • /+button12 (toggles the Holdable powerups, only the top most is active)