CreditsThe Team
PainKeep Arena III was built with the skills of the following fine people:
Project Leader:
Robert E. Waring
Lead Programmer:
Michael Bright
Additional UI programming/ design
Tim Smith
Sound Engineer:
Marc Weerts, Bryan Watkins
Level Designers:
Tim Smith, Robert E. Waring, Jay Brown, Steven Delrue, Mike Reed, Mark Lewis, Mike Burbidge, Dan Haigh
Texture Artists:
Tim Smith, Ian Lamen, Marc Weerts
Michael Bright, Ian Lamen
Marc Weerts
Online Presence:
Tim Smith, Ian Lamen, Robert E. Waring
Manual html/design:
Tim Smith
Special Thanks:
id Software - for a great game engine
Jack Monahan (Magnum model), Frank Castle (Minigun), Oak (Hanging Cell), Todd Gantzler (MultiPlants), AlphaWolf (Bloodstone), & Amethyst7 (Skybox)
Olivier Debon (aka Swift) for his work on the "QVM" tool used to genenerate Roq Files (www.swift-tools.net/Quake/QVM)
and if we've missed your name, we appologize in advance, please contact us asap.
Additional Thanks:
David Spell for use of a few unique sounds he created for Team Evolve,
James Grote for his killer track for PKA12 - The Other Side
and Jim Kramer - for the chat bubble
ThinG would like to thank Worf for getting him into level design and E-Z for taking the trouble to put the maps up on his servers back in the PainKeep 1 days.