Missions Guide
4. Agent of the Swarm
The hatching of the chrysalis is nigh! Your first duty is to defend the chrysalis for ten minutes until it hatches. Your starting position, located on an isolated island to at the northwest corner of the map, is sufficiently well defended from the outset to make this possible. Begin gathering resources and hatching more Drones and Overlords as necessary. Be prepared for Terran Dropships to deploy small packs of units - Marines, Firebats, and the occasional Goliath - against your base. But between your Hydralisks, Zerglings, and Sunken Colonies, these should not be especially problematic. Many attacks will begin from the eastern peninsula of your island, so try and build Sunken Colonies near that position.
You have access to the mighty Zerg Queen in this mission. She makes for an excellent scout and suits many other important functions. Early on, use her Parasite ability against all the slow-moving Terran Dropships and let them safely return to their base. Parasite lets you see through the eyes of the afflicted unit. If you use Parasite against all the Dropships the enemy sends at you, you will always see them coming well in advance. Soon enough, when the Dropships return from whence they came, you will see what you're up against - the entire border of the map is teeming with Terrans. Hold position and build all available structures as resources permit, then get to upgrading your Hydralisks.
| The chrysalis has hatched at long last to reveal an old friend in all new light |
Daggoth will become excited when the chrysalis is about to hatch. You will understand why when it finally does - it contains the Infested Sarah Kerrigan, the Zerg Overmind's secret weapon. After Kerrigan's exchange with Jim Raynor, your mission objective will be redefined. You must now destroy or infest Raynor's Command Center, located near the northeast corner of the map. To do so, you'll want to expand to the island in the middle of the map. One of the Terran Dropships hosting a Parasite should have passed over it by this time.
Next: 4. Agent of the Swarm (continued)