9. The Invasion of Aiur
The time has come to hit the Protoss where it hurts the most: their precious homeworld Aiur. Your task is to deliver but a single Drone to the Khaydarin Crystal formation toward the south edge of the huge map so that it may collect the genetic data the Overmind requires to assimilate the Protoss race. It goes without saying that you can expect fierce resistance here. Specifically, you'll face three different Protoss tribes all working together to stop you from achieving your goal. A fairly weak teal-colored tribe defends the top portion of the map. A much stronger yellow-colored tribe holds the center along either side. And an extremely powerful orange tribe defends the southern border. You begin in the northwest corner of the map with a fairly stripped down base, but plenty of resources to get it started quickly. Unfortunately, there are no obvious choke points to defend. While a plateau further south isolates you from your Protoss foes directly, the yellow tribe will use Shuttles to deploy forces in the forest to your south, at which point those forces are free to attack your base from any angle. Teal will attack you directly from the east.
Speed upgraded Zerglings and Hydralisks will prove invaluable in defending your position, but you must be very cautious of Protoss Reavers who can decimate most of your garrison in a single good shot. Since your headquarters is so vulnerable, good reconnaissance is critical. Evolve Burrow early on and send droves of Zerglings to every area south and east of your base. Plant them there so you know what you'll be up against well in advance. Support your ground defenders with Mutalisks, and if you see Reavers moving in to attack, send your Mutalisks to take them out before they can even get close.
|  The Protoss will attack in full force as the Khaydarin Crystal harvesting countdown ticks away |
Build up your base cautiously. Line its perimeter with Sunken Colonies and the occasional Spore Colony. Try and hatch a Queen as soon as you can and use her to hit the Protoss Shuttles with her Parasite. Don't be too intimidated when you realize just how huge a force you're up against - remember, you only must bring a Drone to the crystal formation. Evolve your favorite upgrades and create a force of Hydralisks and support units like Zerglings and Mutalisks. While your starting position offers plenty of resources to set up a strong base, you must expand before you have enough currency to fight your way to the Khaydarin Crystal.
Next: 9. The Invasion of Aiur (continued)