Missions Guide
8. Eye for an Eye
This mission represents a challenging exercise in simultaneous management. You begin with three Hatcheries on high ground in the northeast, northwest, and southeast corners of the map. The northeast Hatchery will be the site of your primary base, while the other two exist only to let you produce more forces quickly. There is a beacon a short distance away from each Hatchery watched over by a cloak-detecting Overlord and a small garrison of your forces. The enemy Dark Templar, who are cloaked, will intermittently try and break through your defenses at these three beacons so they can escape. If a Dark Templar successfully reaches one of these three beacons, your mission is a failure. Never move your Overlords from the beacons, lest the Dark Templar walk through undetected. The Cerebrate Daggoth will warn you of this danger if you move your Overlord out of position. Your ultimate goal here is to destroy the entire enemy presence on the map, the brunt of which is concentrated in the southwest corner. Secondary Protoss encampments exist toward the center of the map along the east and west borders.
| Use your Nydus Canals to send reinforcements to help slay any Dark Templar attempting to flee |
You start with a pair of the incredibly strong Ultralisks at your beck and call. Send them through the right Nydus Canal to instantly transport them to your southeast base and order them to stand alongside your defensive forces there. Most Dark Templar and enemy attackers will strike the southeast spot, so you must reinforce it quickly. Meanwhile, move Infested Kerrigan to the edge of your base's plateau so she can see any incoming dangers approaching that position.
Build up your base. For the first time, the entire technology tree is available to you, meaning every Zerg unit will be under your control. Quickly set up a Spawning Pool, a Hydralisk Den, and an Evolution Chamber, and start upgrading your basic forces immediately. Evolve Burrow and send out Zergling scouts to points all around your bases so you can see an enemy force on its way ahead of time. Reinforce all three beacons with trios of Hydralisks when you can. Be ready for attacks against all three beacons and quickly send reinforcements through your Nydus Canals should any of your defending forces be killed in action.
Next: 8. Eye for an Eye (continued)