Missions Guide
7. The Culling You need to build your entire base from scratch. Do so by rapidly producing Drones to gather resources, establishing key structures like the Spawning Pool, Hydralisk Den, and Evolution Chamber, and producing enough units to defend your fledgling base against preemptive enemy strikes. Research Burrow when you can and burrow Zerglings to the east and west of your base to inform you of incoming enemy attackers. Focus on upgrading your Hydralisks; they are crucial in fending off the enemy throughout this mission. When time and resources permit, upgrade to a Lair and build your Queen's Nest and start evolving the Queen's various abilities, all of which will come in handy as usual. Use her Parasite against enemy Overlords transporting units to your base. You may build a Defiler Mound for the first time in this mission, but you can do without them. Still, you'd be wise to hatch a few Defilers if only so you can experience their incredible abilities directly.
You must strike the western Garm Brood base as soon as you feel prepared. First make certain your Hydralisks are upgraded with Muscular Augments and Grooved Spines, and your Zerglings are upgraded with Metabolic Boost and Adrenal Glands. Try and have their attack and armor levels upgraded to some extent as well. Except a difficult fight - a dozen Hydralisks alone aren't going to win the day. You must send legions of Hydralisks backed by Zerglings. Bring an Overlord along to detect burrowed enemy Zerg units. Queens and Defilers will prove helpful as well. Remember that the more forces you send to attack, the fewer you're going to lose in the end. Yet be quick about preparing your assault on this position, as the longer you take, the less Vespene Gas will remain for you to harvest there after the base is destroyed.