Magical Conduit. The kuunganisha were created as mobile, sentient conduits for arcane power. Long-term exposure to a particular school of magic can alter a kuunganisha's appearance, such as fire-feather wings instead of bat-like wings on a kuunganisha regularly used to channel evocation magic or skin covered in non-functioning, but constantly-moving eyes on kuunganishas exposed to excessive divination magic.
Flexible Entropy. While kuunganisha are always evil, they may be lawful, neutral, or chaotic, depending on the alignment of their masters.
Kuunganisha Familiars
The kuunganisha can serve another creature as a familiar, forming a telepathic bond with its willing master. While bonded, the kuunganisha and its master can each sense what the other senses as long as they are within 1 mile of each other. While the kuunganisha is within 10 feet of its master, the master shares the kuunganisha's Magic Resistance trait.
Kuunganisha prefer to serve powerful wizards, though a few warlocks that have proven themselves useful to their patrons have been gifted the service of these creatures as well.