This small humanoid has exquisite elfin features, shimmering pale blue skin, and long, flowing hair. Its elegant insectile wings are almost as big as its body.
Peris are minor genies, spirits of elemental air that are often mistaken for fey. In the distant past, they were wicked, spiteful creatures, but they have since repented and are now mostly benevolent.
Repentant Tricksters. The djinni calipha banished the peris from the Plane of Air centuries ago for their mischievousness and sent them to the Material Plane to do penance. Now, they try their best to do good deeds, such as helping lost travelers in the mountains where they live. However, they find it hard to resist playing occasional tricks on mortals, particularly hunters who kill more game than they need. These pranks are rarely deadly, and meant to irritate the target of the prank. A peri might steal or hide a hapless mortal's possessions, give them false directions, or use magic to frighten them away, but they stop short of physical harm, unless met with violence.
Useful to Genies. Occasionally, a djinn or other powerful genie may send a peri to deliver a message on their behalf. The peri treats such tasks as an opportunity to have some fun, often materialising in mid-air and bellowing the message at the top of its voice. Evil genies have been known to capture peris and keep them locked up in iron cages like little birds for mysterious purposes. Peris sometimes enlist the help of mortal adventurers in rescuing their captured compatriots.