A Nasty Surprise

General Combat Tips
Stars and Stripes Missions
  Red Arrival
  Eagle's Nest 1
  The Relic Discovered
  An Unexpected Connection
  Escape From Mars
  Behind Enemy Lines
  A Nasty Surprise
  Wrangling the Fleeing Herd
  The Race Is On
  Bring It Home
  Flying Solo
  Total Destruction
  The Three Beacons
  United We Fight - United We Die
  Strike at the Heart
  Tapping the Core
  The Ultimate Quake
Red Brigade Missions
For Cheaters Only

Deploy the recycler at the geyser at the drop zone and build a couple of turrets to defend it from the two Soviet fighters that will arrive a minute after you get started. Construct an armory and take it and the constructor in a slight south-southwesterly direction. In a fairly flat area around 530 meters from the recycler's position you should build an L-power unit and bookcase it with gun towers - a nearby geyser will fuel the armory. Three more fighters will attack as this is going on, so get that armory on the geyser as quickly as possible, so you can upgrade your weapons to include two SP-Stabbers, splinter mortars, and proximity mines.

Build a frontline defense to guard against the powerful Russian walkers heading for your base.

Create a factory and add a howitzer or two to the frontline defenses. When the walker approaches from the west, have the howitzer start bombarding it, and by the time it gets within range of the gun tower, you can circle behind it to bring it down with the SP-Stabbers. Another one will approach from the east - just do the same thing. (You'll need to stop off at the armory for ammo once or twice while this is going on, but it shouldn't pose a problem.) You'll also face sporadic attacks from fighters and tanks, but it's nothing you shouldn't be able to handle as long as you stay cool.

Russian fighters will make sporadic attempts to stop your howitzer from destroying the recycler, but if you know they're coming you can greet them - with a mouthful of nano-ammo.

Now that your tank is so powerfully equipped, you can start heading south down the east corridor leading to the CCA base. Engage the enemy relentlessly - they cannot match up with your firepower. To deliver the coup de grace, drop a Nav Beacon about 350 meters from the base and have two howitzers (escorted by scouts) go there and begin bombarding the base. Focus their fire on the two L-power buildings and the turrets, and watch out for tanks and fighters emerging from the base in a desperate attempt to thwart your assault. When the big defenses are down, move in with your powerful tank and destroy the recycler.

Next: Wrangling the Fleeing Herd