Total Destruction

General Combat Tips
Stars and Stripes Missions
  Red Arrival
  Eagle's Nest 1
  The Relic Discovered
  An Unexpected Connection
  Escape From Mars
  Behind Enemy Lines
  A Nasty Surprise
  Wrangling the Fleeing Herd
  The Race Is On
  Bring It Home
  Flying Solo
  Total Destruction
  The Three Beacons
  United We Fight - United We Die
  Strike at the Heart
  Tapping the Core
  The Ultimate Quake
Red Brigade Missions
For Cheaters Only

This mission is fairly difficult because there isn't a lot of natural scrap near your base of operations. But if you take your time and follow these steps, you can take out the factory with only a minimal amount of units.

Deploy the recycler at the geyser closest to the drop zone and construct four turrets. Line them up in a row between the Nav Beacon and the recycler - a large contingent of Soviet tanks and fighters is headed your way. The turrets should take care of most of the enemy craft, but be ready to finish off one or two yourself. Your scavengers will have a field day cleaning up all the scrap left behind after the Soviets are destroyed.

If you head for the Soviet factory early in the mission, you'll be able to destroy these howitzers before they're able to form a defensive perimeter around the base.

Construct a factory and take it to the geyser positioned atop a plateau at the northeast section of the drop zone. Waves of Soviet fighters will attack your scavengers and recycler, so use the factory to build tanks to escort the scavengers (three scavengers should be plenty). The one good thing about the continued attacks is that the destroyed fighters provide a nearby source of scrap for the recycler. After the first two or three attacks on the recycler, the Soviets will give up on that target, and you can recycle all the turrets defending it.

Build an armory and upgrade your weapons to SP-Stabbers then try to maximize your scavengers' capabilities by sending them to rich supplies of scrap. Head toward the Soviet factory alone to clear out the defenses - you should take a somewhat clockwise route around the main Soviet base. If you get close enough to the factory in a short enough period of time, you'll be able to destroy the howitzers being deployed there. But be very careful! A tank squad protecting the Soviet factory will pound you if you move into its view.

A slew of fighters and tanks is parked around the Soviet factory, but if you start firing at the factory as soon as you're within range, you'll take it down before they can start inflicting major damage on you.

There are two approaches you can take for destroying the factory: Bring in a couple howitzers and slowly pound it to dust from a distance, or take a deep breath and head in on a suicide run. The first method is safer, but the second method is quicker, and as long as you destroy the factory and can stay alive for just a few seconds afterward, you win the mission. There's no need to get back to the drop zone or even be inside your ship.

Next: The Three Beacons