Foxin come in a myriad of vibrant colors. Sometimes referred to as "the morning calm," they cause an unnatural sense of false tranquility.
Serene Purpose. Foxin were originally created by a benevolent fey as a companion to healers. A foxin's natural aura can remove pain, fear, and discomfort, providing a pleasant illusion to those hurt or dying.
Problematic Power. The foxin's natural calming ability erases any perception of danger or harm. One could be attacked or imperiled in a foxin's presence and remain blissfully unaware, smiling contentedly until it was too late.
Potential Misuse. An army with a foxin as an ally could decimate its enemies without resistance. Happily, foxin are difficult to convince to participate in such atrocities. Their desires are individual and unpredictable. Their motives are often inscrutable; they manifest their powers at random or for their own amusement.