Ruleset: Valor

Size: Tiny
Type: Humanoid
Form: biped
Temper: tranquil
# App: 1d6
Combat Dice: 2
Hit Points: 2 + 1d3
Attack Rank: 2
Passive Defense: 6
Active Defense:
Damage Reduction: 0

In their distant past, the aaleear were fierce warriors of the fey realms. But sometime long ago their feet were turned from that path, and those days are known now only through myth and legend, captured in the songs of the aaleear. For in the modern world, the aaleear are creatures of music and art, and their songs are famed throughout the lands.

Aaleear stand roughly two to three feet high, tending more towards the plump (although their youths are still light of foot and strong of arm). Their hands, though, are delicate and fine -well wrought for sword craft and art craft both.

Advancing Aaleear

Aaleear gain additional abilities as they advance in level. For every four hit dice (bard levels) they gain, the Aaleear also gains additional innate spells. At four HD, the aaleear gains charm person and invisibility, plus two additional level 2 spell slots. At 8 HD, the aaleear gains charm monster and improved invisibility, plus one additional level 3 spell slot and one level four slot. At 12th level the aaleear gains dominate person and a level five spell slot. At 16th level, the aaleear gains mass suggestion and a sixth level slot. These spells and slots are separate from those gained as a bard and do not combine.

For every four HD thus gained, the Aaleear's challenge increases by one level, and it may increase any two ability scores by +1 each.

5e SRD

grasslands, prairie
very rare


wetlands, marsh
very rare

mountain, montane forest
very rare

civilized, farmland
very rare

civilized, village
very rare

civilized, urban
very rare