Ruleset: Valor

Size: Large
Type: Monstrous Humanoid
Form: ... that walks like a man
Temper: brutish, predatory
# App:
Combat Dice: 0
Hit Points: 0
Attack Rank: 0
Passive Defense: 0
Active Defense:
Damage Reduction: 0
Role: brute
Ground: 1
Benthic: 1

Monstrous hunters and bullies of the ocean depths, karkinoi are hulking crab-like humanoid brutes that live only to destroy creatures that dare cross their path and then feed on the corpses of the vanquished. While karkinoi can walk on land, they do not enjoy long periods away from the sea, as they dry out, crack, and eventually suffocate. Karkinoi stand over 9 feet tall and weigh over 800 pounds.

Brutal. Though not mindless, they have no inclination to build civilizations or even settlements, living in roving gangs or nomadic tribes. The tools they use in their more humanoid appendages are always scavenged, usually from victims, and are discarded when broken or of no more immediate use.

Pursuits such as crafting, learning, and diplomacy are a waste to them; they see these as the activities of food-creatures not strong enough to see the world as it is-a stage for domination, feeding, and spawning. Even when these brutes band together, it is usually to spawn or to face sources of food that are too strong for only one or two karkinoi alone.

Shore Raiders. Large hordes of karkinoi come together to hunt inhabitants of coastal settlements. Striking at night, they do as much damage as possible before dragging their meals into the sea.

They make such attacks night after night until the settlement is destroyed or the resistance becomes too fierce, at which point the horde disbands and each karkinoi makes its own way in the sea.

Coastal raids are part of the karkinoi breeding cycle. The corpses that they drag off into the ocean are tethered to masses of eggs and serve as food for karkinoi spawn. The spawn develop a taste for land-meat and crave it, ensuring the next generation of hungry raiders.

5e SRD

coast, tropical
very rare

sea, tropical, nearshore
very rare

sea, tropical, euphotic
very rare

sea, tropical, dysphotic
very rare

coast, temperate
very rare

sea, temperate, nearshore
very rare

sea, temperate, euphotic
very rare

sea, temperate, dysphotic
very rare

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