Werejaguars dwell in tropical forests, where they are deadly warriors and master hunters. Although feared, werejaguars are sometimes respected by nearby communities as defenders of the forest. Typically, werejaguars live in small, loosely connected communities, hidden from outsiders. However, werejaguars sometimes live near or even among other humanoids, especially forest-dwellers. Werejaguars generally keep to themselves but are also notorious for attacking and killing those who offend them.
Nagualli. A nagual (or nahual) is a rare spellcasting werejaguar. They are usually born into their magical gifts and their transformation rather than being infected lycanthropes, though they are more common among werejaguars who live near or among other humanoids. Naguals are often employed to curse enemies or to remove curses from other naguals or other spellcasters. Naguals typically follow protector deities and draw inspiration from as clerics, but some follow druid, sorcerer, or warlock traditions.