This small, blue-tinged dragon has frozen spikes covering its body and wings that look like cracked sheaves of ice.
When the dragon exhales, its breath covers everything in a patina of frost.
White Dragon Servants. Hoarfrost drakes share territory with white dragons, not as rivals, but as minions. As disagreeable as the more impressive dragons, hoarfrost drakes are apt proxies for their masters. Failure is rewarded with a swift and violent death, but the drakes are too self-assured to believe they can fail their draconic sovereigns.
Creator of Slippery Surfaces. A hoarfrost drake's cold breath creates a glaze of frost and ice. The cruel dragons enjoy using this aspect of their breath to slick the ground and render objects slippery. They taunt those who fall on the ice or lose their grip on weapons and shields. Their hides are also slippery, allowing them to escape the grasp of foes trying to hold them. They are particularly adept at twisting their bodies to make would-be captors regret the decision.
Haters of Fire. Hoarfrost drakes despise fire, especially magical fire. If they are targeted by spells or effects that deal fire damage, they focus their attacks on the source. Hoarfrost drakes that attack civilized areas usually extinguish fires with their breath before attacking residents.