The scales of this tall, elegant dragon shine like polished silver, and its tail has a feathered appearance.
Upon reaching adulthood, silver dragons have acquired sufficient experience and knowledge of the world to set up a safe lair. While other dragons are content to remain within their secluded homes, silver dragons often risk leaving to meddle in humanoid affairs.
The life of an adult silver dragon is one of devotion and self-sacrifice, with every one of them relentlessly dedicating themselves to what they deem to be fair and good. It is often a trying path, as the dragon works to preserve, assist, and support from the shadows, expecting neither reward nor recognition. A silver dragon's tremendous determination usually allows them to bear such a life, but some can be engulfed by resentment, bitterness, or resignation, which leads to selfishness, or even corruption. A corrupted silver dragon is as rare as it is dangerous.