The beast is huge, bound, and corded in muscle. Ape-like, the yedae are able to walk on their two short legs, or bowl over and charge on all four. Wide, roundish-flat snouts adorn their heads; thick, sharp teeth, built for rending and tearing, line the snout. Beyond the snout, the face widens into sallow cheek-like jawbones, from which two massive tusks sprout. The tusks bend up, curving toward the heavens, and are always adorned. The yedae's eyes are small, beady, and dark. A thick white fur covers the creature from head to foot. A long tail, ending in a knobby truncheon crowns the formidable creature. Massive wings adorn it as well, stretching from their backsides, with a wingspan of a score or more feet.
Arctic Hunters. The yedae are rare, solitary creatures that live in the frozen tundra, high mountains, glaciers, and similar frigid environments. Voracious hunters, they stalk and kill anything that crosses their path, from mountain goats to wandering people. They hole up in deep dens, preferring ice caves. Here they hoard their treasures. They place tremendous value on gold, particularly jewelry. They often adorn their tusks with golden bands and rings to mark their wealth.
Clever Loners. Intelligent creatures, the yedae speak the Vulgate or common speech. They speak the secret languages of their alignment as well. They do not often converse with anyone, however, filled as there are with constant nagging hunger.
Merciless stalkers. The yedae are fearsome in combat. They stalk their prey from the ground, but when they spy prey, they take wing. Once airborne, they summon a storm and follow it into the attack. Rising into the air, they fall upon their victims from above. They prefer to rend and tear their victims, lifting them off the ground and dropping them; falling upon the broken forms to slay them. Only when hard-pressed, or faced with multiple foes do they use the roar of utriel.