The sunset raptor can be identified by its crimson plumage, crested head, and large peacock-like tail of golden feathers. Its tail feathers are reflective and mesmerizing, triggering surreal hallucinations of a spectator's dreams, desires, and nightmares.
Deadly Oddities. Vicious and exotic, sunset raptors are highly prized among eccentric collectors. They can often be found guarding the lairs of mad wizards or stalking the gardens of giants. Jewelers, alchemists, and fortune tellers covet sunset raptor feathers for their bright color and use in spiritual rituals. However, sunset raptors are not easily caught or tamed, and many hunters and handlers have been devoured for not taking the proper precautions against these vibrant killers.
Social Predators. Sunset raptors have developed remarkably efficient pack tactics. They communicate using shrill, piercing calls, sacrificing the element of surprise in favor of swiftly coordinated attacks. Often, the fastest raptors run ahead of the pack, cutting off potential prey. Once their prey is cornered, the raptors close in, forming a ring and forcing their prey to gaze upon their deadly, hypnotic plumage.