Aswangs are hideous shapechanging human-bat hybrids.
Their heads resemble crinkled and weathered humans, though with sharp features and even sharper fangs, and a long razorsharp, ribbon-like tongue that whips about constantly. They can subsist on carrion but prefer fresh blood to consume.
They live on the fringes of settled areas, sneaking in to find prey but shunning bright and noisy areas unless starving.
Reflections in the eyes of these lewd, foul creatures are always upside down.
Balbals are search villagers for the freshly dead, tearing through roofs and windows and using their tongue to dissect and devour the corpse before replacing it with a magical duplicate. Their predations on the recently dead often lead to their disturbed spirits rising from the grave, but the balbal cares little for any collateral damage it leaves behind. The balbal is nearly as tall as an average human with a wingspan of 10 feet and weighs 100 pounds.