Tales of immense sea serpents have colored the accounts of seagoing folk since the first ship sailed beyond sight of land. Yet proof of these immense and elusive creatures is remarkably difficult to come by, for not only is the ocean vast and the true sea serpent rare, but these creatures are quite adept at both avoiding capture and destroying ships bent on such a daunting task. Due to the sea serpent's hermitic nature, many sailors take to ascribing the sighting of such a beast to an omen, although whether the sighting portends peril or providence depends as much upon the ship's morale as it does anything else-the sea serpent itself has little interest in prophecy, and only its hunger determines how dangerous its proximity to a curious ship can be. Deadly danger surely awaits, however, when its spine-frilled neck arches up from the water like a snake ready to strike.
20'-30' long, serpent-like sea monsters with rows of many fins.