Ruleset: Valor

Size: Large
Type: Magical Beast
Form: arachnid
# App:
Combat Dice: 0
Hit Points: 12 + 1d6
Attack Rank: 0
Passive Defense: 0
Active Defense:
Damage Reduction: 0
Role: controller

As the monstrosity approaches across its web, you notice that unlike other giant spiders, this one has a pair of diminutive arms and hands, and an oddly brain-shaped hump on its back.

An aranea is an intelligent, shapechanging spider with sorcerous powers. In its natural form, an aranea resembles a typical giant spider, with a humpbacked body a little bigger than a human torso and venomous fangs. Although considered a Large creature, an aranea's mass is no more than a typical human's; its size comes from its long legs. An aranea can be distinguished from other giant spiders by the hump on its back that houses its brain and by the fact that, in addition to eight legs, it has a fifth pair of limbs, each about 2 feet long, located ahead of the first pair of legs. These limbs end in hands, each equipped with three clawed fingers and a double-jointed thumb.

When aranea are encountered in groups, some might be young: identical in all respects to adult areanea but without the spellcasting trait.

Aranea often use their shapechanging ability to lure unsuspecting victims into ambushes. Less often, they assume humanoid form to infiltrate human societies, where they conduct research and gather information for their inscrutable purposes.

An aranea is an intelligent, shapechanging spider with sorcerous powers. In its natural form, an aranea resembles a humpbacked spider a little bigger than a human, and weighs about 150 pounds. The hump on its back houses the aranea's brain. All araneas have a single alternate form as well-this alternate form is that of a Small or Medium humanoid. Although an aranea can assume a spider-hybrid variant of this form, it cannot use its change shape ability to assume multiple humanoid forms-this additional shape is locked into one unique appearance. Araneas typically gather in small colonies of two to six individuals, making webbed nests high in trees.

5e SRD
Mistaken for:
Giant Spider

very rare