When a termagant kyton dwells in a place of relative safety, the creatures bred by her are often predominantly feral kytons. The feral kyton is in many ways a lesser being even to weaker kin; they are almost always found in hives where the number of kyton is vast, the profligate manner of their birth often makes weaker or inferior kyton that some say are deliberately created to allow cruelty to thrive. Feral kytons are more brutish and sadistically violent than their more subtle and cruel kin-the huge numbers they are found in does not enable many to rise above the foul rank and file of their birth. They are cruel-like all their kin-but this cruelty is more sadistic bullying and group torment than refined suffering. They are creatures of the pack.
Savage. Kyton ferals are grotesque and animalistic creatures. Though roughly humanoid in shape, they have longer, more savage features, including prehensile tails that are often more dexterous than their gnarled and gangly limbs. Their mouths-used to biting in huge packs-have mouths able to extend outwards; their jaws tearing and rending, not for food, but for pleasure. Pack Ascendance. The feral kyton exists within the pack, but also hates it-it despises its need to have others of its kind nearby. It also hates those above it; fears and loathes their power and that of the mother that bred it; a figure it regards as divine yet hates and envies. The feral kyton has one big advantage, however, over its less-common kin; if it is able to rise through the festering sweating mass of its brood, it is truly a figure of power.