The succubus has two forms. In reality, she is a beastly creature, thin, malformed, and possessed of a horrible stench much like the smell of rotting fruit. Her face is drawn and narrow, barely containing her humanoid features. Her chest sags inward, bones protruding through the thin gossamer of her skin. Beneath her ribs, her stomach distends like a horrid pouch, filled with the souls of the unfortunates she has devoured. To most, however, she does not seem so horrid, more like a beautiful woman, shapely and perfect. Her long hair covers her shoulders and her form she casts in folds of silk that tantalize the viewer. In either form, she has massive bat-like wings, they unfold behind her, spreading out like two massive canopies, black and empty. Her wings are conduits to the outer planes, looking into their black depths is dangerous and many a man has gone mad doing so.
Hunger and Rage. Two motives drive the succubus. She is continually hungry; desiring to eat the souls of humans more than anything else, though dwarves serve her in a pinch. Elves and the other fey she has little interest in, other than, of course, slaying them. They are driven by hate as well, for they know their race, spawned in the depths of the abyss, are failed and they long for what they are not, pure and whole. So they hate all things and the fact that they must disguise themselves to interact with other creatures drives their hate even further.
Lonely. They are almost always alone, though on occasion they gather in the covers, pressed into service by a more powerful demon or devil, or by one of their own. Wizards, in time, are able to bind them, but this as always is a dangerous endeavor, for these creatures are unadulterated evil. Like all of their kind, they are not able to forgive, they have no conscience, no feelings, are driven by no motives other than hunger and hate.
Patient Temptress. The succubus always attempts to charm its victim through its fair form. Casting herself as a beautiful maiden she calls the unfortunate for aid or succor. They travel with the victim if necessary, luring it into a sense of safety before they strike. They attempt to kiss the victim if they can, casting their sleep upon it. In any case, they feed on it, slowly if they can, draining its life force. But if pushed into open combat, the succubus uses her spells to drive off or kill a foe. When pressed, she reveals her true form, dropping the glamour, shifting into that horrible, stench-laden shape.