Ammon is a 15-foot-tall fiendish humanoid with clawed hands and feet and the black-furred, lice-infested head of a wolf set with slavering jaws and glowing yellow eyes. An armor-plated left hand wields a cruel whip that coils of its own accord like a living serpent.
Ammon's iron fortress hangs from a precipice overlooking the Ditches of the Damned that surround the Ring of Hell known as the Pit of Malbolge. Ammon is attended by a host of werewolves, barbed devils, ghaddar, and his lieutenant, a pit fiend. The 10 ditches are greatly feared by worldly thieves and politicians who know they may very well end up plying eternity among the charlatans, confidence men, seducers, fraudsters, counterfeiters, and betrayers trapped there.
To keep the accursed dead in their ditches, Ammon oversees a kennel of 666 wolf-headed hell hounds he sired himself, as well as three legions of bone devils. The ditches are filled with nupperibos, lemurs, and even lesser souls who have found their just deserts in Malbolge.