The vaguely humanoid man-sized nerizo demon has skin of deep navy blue. It has a scorpion-like tail, the hindquarters of a goat, and the head of a slathering hound whose jaws drip caustic acid. Its arms end in sharpened claws, and its feet are splayed hooves. Nerizos stand six feet tall and weigh about 160 pounds.
The bestial nerizo can be found on almost all layers of the Abyss. More animalistic than not, the nerizo are sometimes used as "hunting dogs" by the greater demons and demon lords. The nerizo themselves realize that they may not be the smartest or strongest of the demons, but they resent being relegated to common hunting dogs for the greater demons. Nerizos often roam in deadly packs looking for lost and escaped spirits to torment among the rifts of the Abyss.