A hulking, hyena-faced humanoid with heavily scarred, oversized muzzle, a bouda looks as if its jaw had once been ripped apart and put back together. Clouds of gnats and fleas roil around its arms.
Glowing Eyes and Teeth. Bouda are child-eaters, despoilers of purity and family. Resembling oversized gnolls, a web of scars along their muzzles is evidence of their gluttonous eating habits. Forever leering, their teeth glow as yellow as their eyes.
Fly-Bedecked Shapechangers. Bouda lurk on society's fringes, shapechanging to blend in with mortals. They seek out happy families, consuming the children in the night and leaving gruesome trophies behind. They may mark a victim nights before attacking to terrify the helpless parents.
Gluttons. Bouda have a weakness: they are incorrigible gluttons. When presented with a fresh corpse, even in combat, they will attempt to gorge on it or at least defile it for later consumption. Bouda are vindictive, seeking revenge on anything that drives them from a kill.