Ruleset: Valor

Size: Large
Type: Animal
Form: porcine
# App: 1d8
Diet: omnivore
Combat Dice: 0
Hit Points: 0
Attack Rank: 0
Passive Defense: 0
Active Defense:
Damage Reduction: 0

The massive warthog has a disturbingly large maw lined with enormous teeth. It snorts and charges. Daeodons are scavengers that range freely in forests and grasslands. Locals refer to them as hell pigs, but they are more closely related to hippopotamuses and possess massive maws.

Unfussy Eaters. Daeodons will eat most anything. While they may be content to graze for fruit and leaves or dig for tubers and grubs, they have the power to crush bone and devour flesh. Most of that is from scavenging kills from others-coming in only after something else has done all the hard work and is too tired to stand up to a hungry daeodon-but they've been known to hunt prey themselves.

Temporary Herds. Daeodons live largely solitary lives. They can tolerate one another enough to briefly form small squads and bring down tougher prey. However, they rarely come together unless food is plentiful. They fight among themselves, and the winners garner respect until another can best them.

Rude Neighbors. Isolated towns often face the challenge of keeping daeodons away from their food stores and livestock, for these massive beasts can trample fencing and destroy other obstacles to reach food. Some towns and villages create massive refuse piles well outside of the settlement; by keeping them well stocked, the villages satisfy local daeodons and keep them from the more vital stores.

This has the added benefit of using the daeodons as deterrents from bandits and dangerous predators, though it means the daeodons adopt the area as their territory.

5e SRD
