Afancs are the sea monsters sailors talk about when spinning tales of the sea. They are the creatures responsible for entire fleets and crews being lost or destroyed. They are thought by many to be the "kings" of the sea as most other water-dwellers pale in comparison in strength and size to the mighty afanc. An afanc is generally about 100 feet long though specimens as large as 200 feet long are thought to exist. Its whale-like body is gray or sometimes bluish-green, although its eyes are always blue. Its tail is extremely long and ends in a truncated or flat, square edge. An afanc has a bulbous, somewhat flattened head, not unlike that of a great catfish. Afancs are omnivorous hunters of the deep sea that feed on a mixed diet of kelp, coral, sea plants, sharks, whales, various other large fishes, and swimmers and sailors unfortunate enough to cross their path.