The village hired us to hunt a troll that had been poaching sheep. Well, it wasn't a troll. Worse than any troll, it was far more cunning and clever, and bigger to boot. The damnable thing led us on a merry chase up into the hills, and once we were ready to give up and head home, it sprang down from a cliff and ripped into us. The snarling face and hyena-like gait reminded me of a gnoll, but no gnoll is ever that big and mean.
Nazalor are to gnolls as trolls are to humans, a larger, more feral, and deadlier reflection. They are smart, at least for something so wild, and capable of turning the tables on hunters. However, their nature is still bestial, and nazalors are fiercely territorial and savage, even killing their own kind when encountered. Oddly, unlike trolls, they do not practice cannibalism and a nazalor corpse found in the wilds is most likely the result of a territorial dispute.