These amphibian predators have pale skin marred by gray pustules. They evolved from salamanders, which is obvious in the shape of their heads, their protruding eyes, and wide grinning jaws. Vooniths have two forelegs but no hind limbs, while their bodies stretch out behind, eel-like and finned. The front claws of the voonith are broad and strong like a spade, used for both slashing and burrowing.
Vooniths live in swamps and lowlands and have both lungs and gills. They dig underwater burrow complexes, sometimes quite lengthy and complex. Openings to the burrow are often on land, where they might just look like mud puddles. A typical voonith attack consists of the creature bursting from its burrow opening or a body of water to seize a victim in its jaws and claws and try to pull its prey underwater. Vooniths are insatiable.
Vooniths are not a real danger to a well-equipped or prepared party, but they are dangerous to pack animals or those traveling alone. While vooniths cannot truly be tamed, sometimes other beings cultivate voonith burrows near the entrances to their own citadels, as a means to discourage or debilitate invaders.
Disease Carriers. Some vooniths carry sewer plague or more unusual diseases. If one does, a creature hit by the voonith's bite must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or contract the disease. Being a carrier doesn't change a voonith's challenge rating.