Ruleset: Valor

Size: Small
Type: Magical Beast
# App: 1, 4d4
Combat Dice: 0
Hit Points: 0
Attack Rank: 0
Passive Defense: 0
Active Defense:
Damage Reduction: 0

A jackalope can mimic any sounds it hears, even voices. It has a beautiful singing voice, akin to a human male tenor regardless of the jackalope's sex, and will sing along with any songs it hears. When chased, the jackalope will use its vocal abilities to elude capture, throwing its voice to trick its pursuers into running a different direction.

The best way to catch a jackalope is to lure it with dwarven whiskey, as they have a particular fondness for this drink. A single ounce of the stuff will intoxicate it, granting it the poisoned condition and reducing its speed to 25 feet.

Though accustomed to roaming in herds called flaggerdoots, lone jackalopes are occasionally encountered. These rogue jackalopes are usually exiles from their flaggerdoot, or lost souls that were left behind in the wild as children.

A sudden flash of movement draws your attention to a clump of tall grass. Poking over the blades of grass are a pair of ivory antlers, but as you look closer, they are not attached to a stag but a four-foot long jackrabbit!

While walking through an unfamiliar forest, you hear a loud crack of breaking wood and are hit hard from behind. Whirling around you see nothing, but a large tree branch lays at your feet. Another crack sounds. Turning, you see another branch flying your way, as a villainous looking ape ducks behind the canopy of a withered tree.

Rumors spread of lumberjacks disappearing in an ancient and untouched woodlands, and a reward is put on their rescue. As the PCs investigate, they begin finding bodies folded into hollow trees.

While sitting around the campfire, the party's bard begins their Song of Rest. The bard is unexpectedly joined by a chorus of jackalopes, singing from the edge of the firelight.

5e SRD

grasslands, savanna

grasslands, prairie